Whoops I’m Back Everyone

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33
Me and a plant in front of my house

Hello there strangers! I am so sorry this blog post is so late! The transition from America to Indonesia has been a little crazy. Jet lag especially was a “killer” at my house. I think it took me the full two weeks or so to have a normal sleep schedule. The waking up at 2 am but being ready from bed at 7 pm was not exactly ideal. But alas, I am as adjusted as I can be for living in a brand new country and side of the world for a month. But I mean that’s crazy right?! It’s already been one month since my family and I left America. The time went by quick! And actually, I’m thankful for that. 

Now, saying that time flies by usually makes people think that whatever happened was this amazing thing and just the best thing to be apart of. Believe me, this transition was not like that. Don’t get me wrong. It went way better than I expected it to. I thought it was going to be the worst thing ever and that I was never going to recover and basically be the most unhappy, miserable person ever. A little dramatic maybe? 😉 The whole process was a cool thing to experience, and the weirdest part to me was the small things that made my day so much better.

That view though!! ❤

For some odd reason, that plant or mountain in the pictures above makes me smile. Maybe because it looks giant and it’s such a beautiful shade of green and gray, or I’m just a sucker for magnificent nature displays. (Kudos to God for being an amazing artist right there.) But seriously, that plant, super nice people on the streets just smiling at me, or even making an overhand serve over the net in volleyball just makes life so much better here. I’ve learned to focus on the small things because looking at the big picture of this whole situation is just too overwhelming for me.

Now about the updates in my life – besides the obvious move. I’ve already made a ton of friends at school, which is super encouraging to my extroverted self. And, much to my anxiety, I find out Sunday night (here time… time difference is confusing) if I made the Varsity or JV team in volleyball. There have already been two weeks of tryouts, and I am SO ready to just make a team. Being in volleyball is an amazing thing for me right now. Along with that, I’ve picked up my old hobby of baking as another stress reliever. So far I’ve made apple cinnamon muffins, brownies, and peanut butter cookies. The cookies were my favorite so far, with the muffins in a very close second. I have yet to perfect the brownies. I’ll get it soon though, don’t you worry. 

Our new school: Mountain View!

So all in all, the transition here wasn’t so bad, and it is so awesome to be in school again. If you saw me last year while I was online homeschooled, you would know that was the equivalent to pure torture in my mind. But, in the end, I have felt God so clearly, and He has given me astounding peace that allows me to still feel ok. Of course though, the first days of school I was literally crying in front of my class because I missed CCHS so much, and I just wanted to see my family and my best friend. And let’s be honest here. I cry so often about wanting to go back home and see the people I love and a world that is so familiar to me. But I also know that God wants me right here. Right now. And so that’s what I am going for. I am very thankful for His obvious presence! 

Thanks everyone for letting me share! Sorry this is so late, but I should post more often now! I love having this outlet for me to share my emotions! God bless!

Published by emmahamstra

College student who loves Jesus, her people, and coffee :)

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  1. Glad to hear you are finding joy and still all the while going through various emotions. Praying for you to notice continued snippets of God reminders of His faithfulness and wonder all around you!


  2. I’m astounded at your maturity! I know many adults who wouldn’t be as well adjusted as you are now. And I agree, the mountains are gorgeous.


  3. You got this girl! I am so encouraged to hear you leaning on the Lord and trusting him in this crazy fun yet challenging adventure! I’m praying for you often.

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